Our Bedtime Routine

Our Bedtime Routine After taking the Taking Cara Babies courses we were set up for success at bedtime but knew it was important to have a bedtime routine. I wanted to create a bedtime routine that was simple and that we could realistically commit to doing every night. Some details might seem small and unnecessary but I think they are all important steps. Here is what we do: 1st- Enter the nursery around 6:50pm 2nd- Feed Bella 6oz bottle while holding her in the rocking chair 3rd- Make sure Bella gets a really good burp 4th- Take Bella to the changing table in her room, change her diaper, add butt paste, put on her nighttime diaper with a pull-up over it (she always wakes up wet if we don't do this). 5th- Put her footie PJ's on with a thin sleep sack on top and then a fleece sleep sack over it. (She use to use the Magic Merlin so I think she likes a little more weight). 6th- Sit back in the rocking chair and my husband comes in to read a book. 7th- H...