My Baby Registry

My Baby Registry In the months leading up to my delivery date I wanted to make sure I purchased/registered for everything and anything that would make the first few weeks with a newborn easier. Here is a full list of everything that I think is a necessity and will save you from last minute amazon orders or cvs runs. * Disclaimer- None of the items below are sponsored. Each items I something I use and love, however, I am a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for me to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. Create your registry here: Sleep Swaddles- I purchased sooo many swaddles before Bella was born because I wasn't sure which one would work best for us. These velcro swaddle blanket sacks made it so easy for us to keep her tucked in and comfortable for naps and bedtime. As soon as she outgrew the swaddleMe sacks we started using these Halo slee...